Words that are similar to the Japanese and Arabic
You] is [Anta]? Two words that are similar in Japanese and Arabic
Arabic countries - Topics in Japan (story book story)
Japanese and Arabic, it would be many who think completely unrelated language. But, there are some common words that are routinely commonly used. I even when you are studying Japanese, I was very surprised. Because it is much trouble, I'd like to introduce you to it. Sense pronunciation is also the same!
That: you
You said in Arabic أنت and (Anta). This is because it male noun, in the case of a woman is said to [Ante].
That: back
The Japanese language has a word [back] [back], but both in Arabic is وراء (straw).
It should be noted that, in my home country Tunisia of dialect, is exactly the same pronunciation as the [back] of the Japanese.
Its: Yellowtail
This is also in Arabic بوري (yellowtail). It is exactly the same fish. When I saw the Chinese character for the first time to come to Japan [yellowtail], was it Japan's fish just maybe the [yellowtail? ] Was considered. I had fished the [سمك بوري] (fish called yellowtail) from childhood by a thin river in Tunisia hometown. So, I was surprised with the same name as the Japanese! (Lol